Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Bob Issues

Just when you thought it was safe to put away the compression bra.......

Dang Bob had to get all swelled up and fiesty. Bobs - can't live with them - can't live without them.

I'm supposed to go for my follow-up mammogram on Bob on 2/23. If he keeps acting up it may not happen. I will be awfully bummed. I'm kinda gearing myself up for this appointment. One, because mammograms hurt me and I don't want to be hurt and Two, I'm kinda nervous that they might find something again.

If they do - Bob is history.

I've been warning him to buck up and act like a Bob should but I'm not sure he's hearing me.

Get better Bob - get better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Typical Bob... now that the attention is off of him for awhile, he has to try and start trouble. Ignore it... it is just an attention getting scheme. Show him it's not all about him. Go get a pedicure and treat your feet! They are far better behaved.